Page of Torbjörn Gustavsson and
research done within the Vortaflow project.
#1 and #2 is the reports written by me in
collaboration with Tomas Melin at The Royal Institute of Technology,
#1) is a literature study on commercial vehicles
aerodynamics with focus on rear end drag, focusing on different methods for
reducing rear end drag.
#2) presents the results of research at RIT and the Västerås windtunnel facility.
#3) is different files referred to in the reports
#3a) Create a busprofile
for simulations in Xfoil software.
#3b) Matlab and txt-fies that account for results from Västerås
#3c) Matlabfiles created by
T Melin evaluating testseries
Right-click on selected files and choose “download
#1) Alternative
approaches to rear end drag reduction.pdf
Application of Vortex Generators to a blunt body.pdf
#3a) profile_creator_Xfoil.pdf